Friday 22 December 2006

Approach to the Lost lake (Nant-y-Foel)

There is or has been a lane which crosses the lane to the lost lake or Llyn Alwen, a warning about this lane we are not sure about the legal ROW (dec 2006) and been unable to find out. Some claim its a UCR some a RUPP etc the council never got back to us. A visit to their office and the map was "missing". Its a nice lane but can be difficult at times scratchy and muddy in places, either way is possible, but watch the entrance on the east side its on dangerous bend. Ruts can be deep and nails wire etc have been found in them, near the cross roads were the "One arm bandit" hangs out. The west end has some nice water bogs and water crossing in Nant-y-Foel, popular with groups because often done the same time as the lost lake.

West point OS grid 2886430 354400 east OS grid 289180 353030
SH886544 SH891530

Monday 11 December 2006

Llanasa (Pentre Lane)

Another "Bocage "lane with the added feature of "Motorway" type crash barriers to protect you from the 400 foot drop into an old quarry. Be warned as they are right on the edge. About half way up is two old trees which form a narrow passage, its possible to get stuck here. Otherwise a pleasant lane, both ways possible and except for Scratches non damaging. North end off Pentre Lane at SH095829, its signpost "Byway" and its the lane on the right, east end at SH104823 again a "Byway" sign. Be careful as popular with trotters.

Nant-y-Crai (Radar Lane)

Near the coast with fantastic view of the bay, interesting in both the features and sometimes the thick vegeation which grows on the lane. Not difficult, but sometimes trucks have problems pushing there way though the gorse or long reed type grass. South end at SH082816, about 300 yards north, on the north side is the telecoms tower , you can get to via a short track. Stand on the old radar base and the panoramic views are "brill" day or night, but no mucking about as been a sensitive area, CCTV is everywhere. At SJ085821 there is another mast which belongs to Merseyside Police, more CCTV here which views the lane. At this point at certain times of the year the Undergrowth gets thick, so expect scratches, lost mirrors, broken lights lost CB aerials and ripped off roof racks etc even a cracked screen. There is a £1000 fine sign at the ruin house, half way down, but it relates to an old RUPP to Llanasa. Not difficult apart from mentioned problems .North point is at SH090828 on Nant-y-Crai lane. Useful short cut to avoid Gwaenysgor Hill's 33% slope, which tests brakes to the limit.

Ruthin Car wash

Put this in since everyone asks were is it, and its not near Ruthin but Llanarmon-yn-Ial, its mentioned on Fords of the UK website which seems to have gone under. Its at SJ187574, enterance on the B5430 is just a hole in the hedge, very short and Scratchy. It can make up for its lack of lenght because it can get very deep, there's a footbridge and if thats under water its too deep. On the west side expect mud, for recovery go round and back down another truck.

Mwdwl-eithin (The long grass)

Long grass is not Mwdwl-eithin in Welsh, its often called the long grass lane because of the reed type grass which grows on it. Expect scratches as the gorse covers the hillside, great views of the moors. There is a small quarry half way along which provides a good break spot. From here you can spot all the wind farms which seem to have sprung up over the last few years. The lane can get muddy in winter but not that differcult. Either way is possible West point is at SH974475 east at SJ004459 (you have to go though someone's front garden).

Alwen Forest

Small loop lane that goes though the Forrest on the West side of Alwen Reservoir, non damaging and either way is possible. West end is at SH938520; east is at SH947520; junction at SH942528, you might get lost in the forest its all part of the fun. The East end goes though a cottage, barn on one side; house on other. Look out for the "forest type" iron gate, in fact its wood and unlocked, that's the ROW, not the lane to the side. Nice lane expect no problems as mostly Forest type tracks.

Llyn Alwen (Lost Lake)

Absolute classic moorland lane, popular with commercial groups and the like, its a dead end lane and can take longer than expected. Starts at SH874530 but crosses another lane at SH878538, where the well known "One arm bandit*" hangs out. Not that difficult, but due to the remote location best not done alone. The lane changes over the seasons and well as the last few years. As of 2006, look for the deep dis-used track on the east side, for in 2004 this was the main track.

With plenty of washouts, deep side dips, we have had many incidents on these sections over the years, popular with novices its not damaging nor scratchy. Its the bog just before the end which causes the most problems ,don't try to reach the boat house. Stop well before you start to go down the hill., However there's always someone, who has the best "Mud plugging" tyres, who tries. I have never seen anyone who has done it, but plenty of bogged down trucks. Recovery is difficult since only the track can be used, the bog gets deep very quickly.

The farmers are not helpful, and I have known of charges of £200-£500 for a few tractors. Also because of the location a delay in recovery expect a 3 day wait.

Stay well away and that includes on foot, people have no idea, they seem to walk straight in it and sink, once the surface breaks they just seem to get sucked in. A good tip is for the rescuers to use Series bonnets as steps, and I've even seen someone pulled out by a truck using a rope. Still a great lane, in the dark there is no light pollution so often you are unable to identify someone just feet away.

* The "One armed banidit" can get nasty, his arguement is you cannot turn round at the end, I can see where he is coming from but somewhere in the RTAs there is a section dealing with dead ends. You are allowed to use within reason grass verges to turn round in, to pass and to park.

Tremeirchion (Cow lane), Cefn Du

Two Boats here, one from Craig at SJ089723 to SJ094732, very pleasant and quite easy, we call it Cow lane. In 2005 whilst on our own, in an open top Series, we were surrounded by a herd of cows who assumed we had food on board. Pushed nearly 3 feet off the track into a brick wall the farmer appeared, who we though would be non pleased. However he turned out to be a pleasant bloke who was more concerned about us then his cows. Ssnce by now, one was mounting the back of the tub. After much pushing, shouting etc we were able to move on again having lost 2 light lens, broken number plate, and obtained a large dent in the side. Its all part of the fun, he explained he never really sees any 4x4's, and the cows assume a Land rover is farmers truck. Has wife had joined us by now and we a had a nice chat about everything from the council tax to rubbish collections, then we moved on. Lovely lane as long as you don't mind the damage caused by the "wildlife ". If going east to west watch out, easy to lose the lane in a field at the start.

The other lane is from SJ089721 to SJ098723, often these two lanes are done as part of a loop from the B5429, If on this road, look out for the White Tea House a real gem, its like a scene out of film Reach for the Sky.

Moel Dywyll (North Clwyd Run)

Two pleasant lanes, running alone the top of the Clwydian range easy and except scratches non damaging, we always do this run on our own, since the perceptions and attitude of others is completely different. Trampers and crankers will often stop and talk to us in a friendly manner, we have ended up before now fixing bikes and giving assistance to walkers. Starting from the south west at SJ140634 (from Llangynhafal follow signs for the little church), it climbs though grouse, about 400 yards up there's a turn off left (north) to an old quarry. Nice picnic spot here, but watch out for the radio controlled Gliders which are often launched off the hillside. My landie was hit by one of these. The lane crosses the official Offa Dyke path at SJ145641. It was he in 2006 we assisted soon walkers who were suffering from heat exhaustion. We stopped due to over heating which is rare for us, the ambient temperature was 42 degrees cent. There was no wind at all, one could feel the heat coming off the heather, no wonder the sheep were refusing to get off the track. The lane joins the UCR at SJ163653. Then at the cross roads at SJ166653 go north ,another lane starts at SJ165654 finishing at the bottom of Moel Arthur at SJ148658

There's another lane turning off from above at SJ142661 to SJ172671 then splits to SJ174677; SJ177673 nice and pleasent ,slightly more demanding than the others, very close to Mold which is only 4 miles away. This lane is tree lined so expect scratches, we often turn round at the bottom and head back up to re-join the North Clwyd Run.

Moel Arthur

Lane runs around the west side of Moel Arthur from SJ131665 to SJ142655, its part of the North Clwyd run, unforturaly a disputed ROW and of as Dec 2006 we are still not happy with the outcome. If you do it, its a nice easy non damaging lane , however at the north end, there was in the summer of 2006, a large fallen tree part blocking the lane.


Pleasant lane which runs along side the Clwydian range ,with excellent views to the Vale of Clwyd. Regarded as easy and expect no damage, its the last or first part of the North Clwyd Run which are a series of lanes running along the top of the Vale, from Afon-wen in the wheeler valley (A541) to Rhuthin. What they lack lane wise (ie difficult sections) they make up in characters you might meet or interesting artifacts on the lanes. Part of this lane crosses the popular Offa's Dyke path, although the real Dyke is no were near here. Expect then lots of trampers who use this lane rather than the official lane which climbs the mountain parallel to the east. Look out for the large water tank you will not miss it, and the moaning Shepard at the north start (SJ121690). He's a character, he's been at it for over thirty years complaining about trampers, then crankers who part there cars at the end of the UCR. He is mentioned on various forums relating to wild camping, mountain biking, pony trotting etc, harmless best just listen and drive off. South end starts at SJ130664 its a tight turn if coming from Llangwyfan carry on few yards and turn in the forest enterance. The lane splits about 300 yards on take the right route (north route)

Read me

Blogspot covers the lanes around Denbigh, these tend to be less serve then the ones further south and west. As you move further North and East you get nearer to the larger areas of population such as Deeside, Chester and the coastal towns, so expect more Trampers, Crankers and Trotters. They also tend to be spead out so plan a route before hand, however they do lend themselves to just a few hours out and a possible to do on a summers' evening.